Friday, February 29, 2008

Green Grid

This is the ceiling of an elevator with florescent lights behind a chrome grid. I snapped a quick photo, leaving the white balance on "auto" and it didn't compensate for the color temperature and left the lights a slightly green tint. I bumped up the saturation in photoshop, and it turned them bright green, giving what I think is a neat effect.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Swim Chicks

Here's a shot I did today for an ad in the state YMCA swim championships program that we're hosting in Ashland next weekend. My daughter is on the left.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ice Storm

We had some freezing rain this morning. The first photo is similar one I shot last year where the ice had formed around a leaf, and then the leaf broke free leaving an ice mold.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

I tried to get some shots of last night's lunar eclipse, but the moon kept going in and out of view behind the clouds. I managed to get a few shots off, though, so here they are. The moon is actually tricky to shoot because it's just reflected sunlight, so it's much brighter than you'd think ... until it goes into shadow. In one of the pics, you can see how the bright part of the moon is completely blown out in order to get the shaded part.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Snow Day

The lazy person's way ... from my office window. Actually, I just haven't had a chance to get out yet, but I hope to do that later and grab a few shots.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Lizard BFFs

This is on my other blog, too, but I liked it so much I thought I'd put this one photo on both.

Also, I've been "tagged" by another blogger, which means I'm supposed to post five images of things I've shot in the past that have never been posted or published, so I'll look through my files and do that soon.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Heart Month Posters

I usually don't post stuff I shoot for work on here, but since these are going to be placed all over the Tri-State, I thought I'd share them. They're posters for Heart Month that show how women's symptoms are often different than men's, so someone came up with the idea of a half-lit face of a woman that faded to black to leave room for the text. We shot one, and everyone liked it so much, we decided to do a series, and here are the results. Click on the image for a much larger version. Also, you can learn more about heart month here