This is from Tuesday when I spent a great amount of time trying to figure out why the color in these two images look so dramatically different from two different cameras when they had the exact same settings (ISO, White balance, shutter speed, and aperture). The one from the much less expensive Canon Digital Rebel is actually the correct color, but for some reason, when I use a blue gel on a black background, my Nikon D100 captures it as purple. If anyone out there has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Shooting in RAW? I've never used either camera, but I am wondering if it is something in the software that pulls the pic into the computer or does the pic look like this in the preview?
I've tried both RAW and .JPG. The pic doesn't look nearly as purple in the viewfinder of the Nikon, but there is still a big difference.
That's a strange one for sure.... maybe there is some obscure setting o n the D100 messing with it.... that's a huge difference.
What's the light you are using and gel you are using?
The light is one of the Alien Bees units (B1600) and the gel is a bright blue (exactly the color produced by the Canon shot).
I've looked through all the settings, and not been able to find anything. There's a color mode where I can pick between two types of sRGB or Adobe RGB, and I've tried all three and still get purple.
Also, if I use the gel on a white background, it's blue. It just seems to be the blue on black that gives me the effect.
That's a strange one for sure. Does changing the point of focus affect it any?
Nope ... I shot a few with the light at the side and it still looked that way.
I Googled the problem, and read a lot of posts from people who had their purple flowers turn blue, but couldn't find anything like this.
That happened to me on one of my old point & shoot cameras (HP Photosmart R707 I believe) with a blue book cover that looks exactly like the background you're using... I don't know why it happens, but I guess it could have something to do with the way the processor handles that particular hue?
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