I tried my best to get a good lightning shot of some storms that rolled by Thursday evening, but this is the best I could come up with. I basically tried a few different approaches, first shooting in Aperture priority mode and craking the aperture up to 22 so the shutter would stay open a really long time. This produced the blue tinted sky effect in the first photo. Next, I just switched to all manual, set my aperture to 5.6 and my shutter time for five seconds and tried just shooting and hoping something popped up in that time frame.
Beautiful pics!
That storm was probably the one that tore through here earlier yesterday. Tonrnados, thunder and lightning, 80mph winds. It did a LOT of damage. Hope it calmed down a bit before it hit you.
Actually, this storm didn't even hit us. It passed to the north. These are shot from the deck behind my house, and it never even rained on us until early the next morning.
Lucky you!
Using a long shutter speed and just shooting a lot and hoping is about all you can do. At least in the digital age we can see if we got it now istead of waiting for developing.
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