I'm not the most organized person in the world when it comes to keeping track of all my photos I take. I've done a little better recently, trying to tag and name and place stuff on my hard drive so that it makes sense, but I occasionally look through some older folders to find photos that I completely forgot that I had taken. Here is one example, a rainbow behind our house during the evening when the sun gave everything an orangish glow. I thought it was a pretty neat shot, especially for something I didn't even realize I had. I also found a bunch of shots from a scuba diving trip to Florida a couple of years ago, and when I get around to it, I'll post a bunch of those as well.
Wow... that's a cool picture.
Thanks ... back when I shot it, I didn't have a blog to post this type of stuff to, and I'm horrible about having prints made, so it just kind of sat there on my hard drive and was forgotten about
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