Okay, my first attempt was way too easy. This one may be as well. Like I said, it's hard for me to judge since I already know what these things are. Again, this is just an idea I'm stealing from Rick Lee so I hope he doesn't mind. Post your guesses in the comments section.
Hmmm. It looks like that bolt or rivet or screw or whatever-it-is that holds a pair of scissors together.
That's correct apassionata ... it's an old metal pair of scissors
My first impression was a push-button, but I discarded that idea. I was going to say "rivet" but I couldn't tell what sort of thing the rivet went through.
Yay! Someday I'll get one of Rick's, too :)
Oh, I'm late. I was going to say it was a pocket knife. Any chance those are my old scissors? The ones that won't cut anything? I kept them around the office because I thought they had an asthetic quality. (I have the sneaky feeling I misspelled something.)
They could be your old scissors, I'm not sure. They are back by the mail rack. Nan bought us new left-handed scissors that I, for the life of me, cannot use. Even though I'm left handed, I've always used scissors with my right hand ... weird.
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